Profile of the Specialization
Minor specialization in Commercial Languages is designed for students who want to enhance their knowledge by two foreign languages, and broaden their major specialization with deeper understanding of cultural and economic specifics of selected regions of the world economy, where these languages are used. The specialization provides an advanced understanding of cultural, historical, political and economic realities which are necessary to conduct business in the U.S. Market, UK, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Latin America and Russia, depending on student’s choice and interest. Students also enhance their language skills and acquire competence in writing academic texts in two foreign languages. Graduates are prepared to work in diplomacy, in companies doing business on foreign markets, companies with foreign participation, and in international organizations.
What knowledge and competence will you acquire?

Pick up
the ability to conduct professional written and oral communication, with an emphasis on technical, strategic and socio-cultural features and intercultural communication differences.

the terminology of your major field, including idioms and specialized foreign language expressions, including grammar characteristic of the language spoken and written expression.

cultural and civilizational specifics of selected countries, the tradition of their foreign and economic policy.

Get the feel for
current trends in the development of the respective countries (multiculturalism, cultural specifics, differences in business negotiations, etc.).

to read and understand professional economic literature in two languages.

to conceive professional written texts and oral presentations in two languages, that are grammatically correct and at appropriate stylistic level.

Find out
how to select and use appropriate communication and argumentation strategies.

Get better
at presenting your views and defending them in an international environment, with respect to cultural differences and customs of a specific country.